Select Water Project Experience
Pump Station 14 Relocation Project, City of Bremerton, WA; Construction Manager
With City staff stretched thin, the City of Bremerton hired Casey Civil to provide construction management services for the construction of a new water pump station with a construction cost of $2.5M. Acting on behalf of the City, Casey Civil runs weekly construction meetings; reviews and responds to submittals and RFIs while keeping the logs current; proposes solutions to needed design changes; and coordinates with the design engineers, the contractor, and City staff across different departments. Brian’s experience in designing and managing the construction of pump stations continues to provide value for the City.
Cherry Crest Pump Station Replacement Project, City of Bellevue, WA; Technical Advisor
The Cherry Crest Pump Station Replacement Project consolidated two separate water booster pump stations into a single facility. The pump station was designed to serve the 670 pressure zone, but it has the ability to draw from the 400, 550, or Seattle Public Utility supply line, which has a variable hydraulic grade line. Located in a city park, residents were concerned about aesthetics and noise. To address these issues, architectural renderings were developed to facilitate understanding and an acoustical study was completed. The noise concerns largely surrounded the backup generator, but the more common noise of the pumps was also a significant factor. Ultimately, noise was mitigated through the use of ventilation silencers, acoustic paneling inside the building, and gypsum board offset clips.
2015 Water Resources System Improvements, City of Bremerton, WA; Project Manager
The City of Bremerton provides 8 mgd from the Union River at the McKenna Falls Intake Facility to its domestic water system. The existing traveling screen had reached the end of its useful life and needed replacement. Due to Union River’s classification as a salmon bearing river, the new screening technology needed to meet Fish and Wildlife criteria for approach and sweeping velocity, and maintain a minimum flow rate of three cfs in the downstream channel. An inclined flat panel screen was selected and a new intake structure was designed to support the screens within the existing channel. Piping and channel modifications downstream of the new intake structure increased the river flow velocity and reduced sediment buildup, and modifications to the existing screen house allowed for a new air compressor/receiver for screen backwash. The limited shutdown period for construction required a detailed construction sequence to bypass river flows around the construction zone while maintaining raw water flow to the City’s distribution system.
Division Street Tank and Booster Pump Station, Skagit County PUD No. 1; Design Lead
Included with a new 6.0 MG prestressed concrete reservoir, a booster pump station was designed to serve an elevated zone while drawing from either the lower zone or the new reservoir to promote water quality. Key features of this facility included a remote operations room to facilitate an emergency command center, a restroom, and provisions to accommodate an energy recovery system.
Laurel Ridge Pump Station Modifications, City of Grants Pass, OR; Project Manager
The Laurel Ridge Pump Station, a developer-built constant pressure station, operated ineffectively to supply the small residential development it serves today. The addition of a hydropneumatic tank and jockey pump was designed after analyzing the diurnal demand for the zone, modeling the range of flow conditions, assessing the short- and long-term operational needs, and considering site constraints. The pump station now maintains constant service pressure with minimal pump cycling.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Well Program-Phase 1, Joint Water Commission, Washington County, OR; Project Engineer
Brian was responsible for coordinating the operational strategies and infrastructure facilities required to implement the use of ASR wells as viable water storage/supply options. Two 12-inch diameter wells were drilled to depths of approximately 1,000 feet, yielding production rates of 2 MGD and 2.5 MGD.
Academy Booster Pump Station, City of Auburn, WA; Project Engineer
Brian was responsible for the design of the pumping system as well as coordinating all other engineering disciplines associated with the new 4 MGD water system booster pump station. The purpose of this project was to improve service to a closed pressure zone and required distribution piping modifications to separate two pressure zones. The system was designed to allow gravity feed to the system in the event the booster pump station was taken offline for servicing.
Kingsgate Booster Pump Station, Woodinville Water District, WA; Project Engineer
This project included planning and design for a 6 MGD water booster pump station and distribution piping along with a new supply tap from Seattle Public Utilities. The need for this new booster pump station was driven by a storage deficiency in the area. Rather than increase storage, a booster pump station was recommended to allow use of dead storage in the bottom of the existing 1 MG standpipe reservoir.
Lava Drive Pump Station Replacement, City of Milwaukie, OR; Project Engineer
The original pump station, a buried steel package-type station located within an easement adjacent to the right-of-way, was constructed in 1970. Insufficient capacity and accessibility drove the need for replacement. The new station, a precast concrete panel vault structure, was partially buried in an embankment adjacent to a parking lot. The precast exterior exposed concrete walls were designed to be compatible with a nearby building. The station included four end-suction centrifugal pumps, with two 15 HP constant speed pumps to supply domestic demands and two 75 HP constant speed pumps for high demand conditions. The control system sequences the pump operation based upon water demands to continuously meet all demand conditions.
- Water System Plans
- Water Pipelines
- Reservoirs
- Water Pump Stations
- Water Treatment
- Asset Evaluation and Rehabilitation
- Water System Planning
- Wastewater System Planning
- Pump Station Evaluations
- Piping Assessments
- Asset Risk Analysis
- Remaining Life Assessment
- General Sewer Plans
- Gravity Sewers
- Force Mains
- Wastewater Pump/Lift Stations
- Wastewater Treatment
- Asset Evaluation and Rehabilitation
We are always excited for projects that allow us to engineer solutions that work for our great clients.