Planning and Asset Management Experience
Select Planning and Asset Management Experience
Wastewater Comprehensive Plan Update, City of Lacey, WA; Project Engineer
Teamed with another consulting firm, Casey Civil is responsible for co-authoring the City of Lacey’s Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, supporting the entire planning document, and leading several chapters, including the Capital Improvement Program and Operations and Maintenance, which includes an emphasis on the staffing requirements necessary to complete proactive maintenance procedures.
2020 Force Main Evaluation Consulting Services, Lakehaven Water & Sewer District, WA; Project Manager
Brian was responsible for leading the evaluation of 31 force mains and five siphons for the Lakehaven Water & Sewer District. The project took a practical approach by documenting asset information and performing a desktop analysis before prioritizing the top eight assets based on both likelihood and consequence of failure. Alternatives for mitigating risk will be developed for the selected assets, providing the District with an opportunity to understand the cost of buying down risk and whether more significant evaluations efforts may be of value.
2019 Water System Plan Update, City of Lacey, WA; Project Manager
Following regulatory requirements for public water system planning, Brian led the development of the City of Lacey’s 2019 Water System Plan Update to develop a long-term strategy for the City’s water service area. The plan was developed to comply with current State and Federal regulations and included a comparison of the existing system and demand projections against supply, storage, and distribution needs. As the City is solely reliant on groundwater wells, water rights and the ability to pump were compared against demand projections over the 20-year planning period and a longer-range 50-year supply horizon. The culmination of the Plan resulted in a capital improvements program that established the basis for utility rates to ensure the long-term reliability of the City’s water system.
Wastewater Pump Station Evaluation, Phase 2, City of Bellevue, WA; Project Manager
Brian led the evaluation of the City’s aging pump stations to provide an overall system assessment that focused on maintaining station reliability, serviceability, safety, and overall efficiency. The project was originally scoped to address 26 stations, and due to coming in under budget, the City added another seven stations, evaluating a total of 33 of the City’s 46 pump stations. The findings were compiled into a report that focused on consistency in both assessment and format for each of the stations. The resulting recommendations for individual asset components were grouped together into practical projects and delivered in an easy-to-understand plan that included both a 10-year and a 75-year financial plan.
River Terrace Community Plan, City of Tigard, OR; Water/Wastewater Utility Design Lead
As part of a multi-consultant team, Brian led the water and wastewater utility design for the City of Tigard in support of the River Terrace Community Plan. The City requested a review of utility system planning documents completed in the past five years, all of which considered expansion to serve the West Bull Mountain UGB expansion area. The sanitary sewer community plan included refinement of flow projections from previous studies and refinement of Metro generated population estimates based on updated zoning and service area boundaries. The master planning work also involved pipe sizing and pump station improvement analysis, including cost estimates for the updated capital improvement plan.
West Basin Facilities Plan, Clean Water Services, Washington County, OR; Project Manager
Brian managed the planning efforts for Clean Water Services’ West Basin Facilities Plan, which addressed two of the District’s conveyance basins. These two basins combined for a build-out area of 9,200 acres and a base flow of 10.5 mgd. Project alternatives were evaluated to address both condition and capacity, and included large-scale basin flow transfers. These basin transfers allowed the District to maximize the capacity of the existing piping network as well as send flows to the treatment facility that had the greatest ability to expand capacity and accept build-out flow planning. Stakeholder coordination addressed the perspectives of both the District’s Conveyance and Treatment Departments as well as the growth and development plans of the cities of Forest Grove, Cornelius, and Hillsboro, as well as unincorporated Washington County.
Sewer System Master Plan, City of Lake Oswego, OR; Project Engineer
Brian was responsible for the Collection System Component Evaluation for the Plan. The project includes an inventory and condition assessment of the pump stations, major collectors and associated infrastructure. Flows were developed using the City’s land use data within the GIS system for short-term and build out conditions.
- Water System Plans
- Water Pipelines
- Reservoirs
- Water Pump Stations
- Water Treatment
- Asset Evaluation and Rehabilitation
- Water System Planning
- Wastewater System Planning
- Pump Station Evaluations
- Piping Assessments
- Asset Risk Analysis
- Remaining Life Assessment
- General Sewer Plans
- Gravity Sewers
- Force Mains
- Wastewater Pump/Lift Stations
- Wastewater Treatment
- Asset Evaluation and Rehabilitation
We are always excited for projects that allow us to engineer solutions that work for our great clients.